Beni Culturali Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

The Birth of the Virgin

Luigi Valadier, La nascita della Vergine - The Birth of the Virgin
Object belonging
One's own
Terracotta sculpture
Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia
Specific location
Room 22
PV 14031
Material and technique
Luigi Valadier (1726-1785) and Filippo della Valle (1698-1768)
c. 1765
68x111 cm.
Gorga Collection (1948)
Image copyright
SSPSAE e per il Polo Museale della città di Roma

Short description

In 1765, Luigi Valadier, the most famous and esteemed silversmith in Rome, received a prestigious commission from Monsignor Francesco Testa, the archbishop of Monreale, to complete the design and decoration of the main altar in the city’s cathedral. It was a demanding project, above all for the great amount of decoration that needed to be done: there were three large frontal reliefs, five smaller ones for the altar step with scenes from the life of the Virgin (1765-1769), six saints each 120 cm tall (1770-1773), not to mention various consoles, mirrors, cornices and other architectural elements. Amongst the most complex elements of the whole structure was certainly the large frontal relief depicting The Birth of the Virgin, the preparatory model for which is held at Palazzo Venezia. The terracotta, which came from the collection of the opera singer Evan Gorga, was discovered in a fragmentary state in 1990 by Maria Giulia Barberini, who recognized the link with the Monreale work; follwing restoration to piece the work together, it was exhibited at the show L’oro di Valadier in Rome in 1997. Discounting the figurative parts that are now lost – the heads and one arm of the two maidservants – the composition matches the level of detail in the finished work, and such congruity would attest to the fact that this model was executed to be fused. However, as Winter suggested (1997), the quality of the sculptural layout indicates it may have been executed by an important sculptor like Filippo della Valle, whose daughter Caterina married Valadier in 1756. It seems, in fact, certain now that the Florentine artist, in the later years of his life, also worked as a supplier of maquettes for the studio of his son-in-law, and some stylistic motifs find echoes in his most noted work.

Cristiano Giometti


J. Winter, La nascita della Vergine, in A. Gonzales-Palacios (ed.), L'oro di Valadier. Un genio nella Roma del Settecento, exh. cat., Roma 1997, p. 163

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Page created 15/01/2009, last modify 15/11/2010